4. What do you think are the biggest obstacles that technologists face in working in a more agile and outcomes-based model with regards to Data integration and Management?One of the biggest things is the ability to "see all." Today's CIO needs to see all the potential business enablers out there, we need to understand multiple solution sets and be able to envision possibilities, including those that are in the incubation stage, and we need to figure out which approach will be most effective in the short term and relevant in the long term--and we need to be able to move quickly. As technologists, we spend so much time analyzing research and gathering feedback from multiple stakeholders that we run the risk of missing the boat entirely. The issue we face when making decisions, especially when data is involved, is that toolsets are leap frogging each other. You need to have the confidence in your understanding of emerging technologies, and a deep understanding of how your business needs to evolve, to be able to move quickly and decisively.5. What set of skills do you think is required for the technology leaders to be successful in the new enterprise landscape?I believe that the future technology leaders need to be business people first and technologists second. they need to have a thorough understanding of technology but they need to have direct experience in the business and a business mindset. These leaders will need to surround themselves with technologists who will run day to day operations, but the technology leader at the top table needs to be a business person.6. Which growing/changing future technology innovation are you personally excited about?The advances in cognitive and machine learning are driving fundamental changes in our industry. Our traditional zero and one, bits and bytes, mentality is taking on a whole new dimension and leading us, eventually, to places that today we can't even fathom. I could make a joke about the Terminator movies and machines taking over, but we can't underestimate the scale of the changes that machine learning is driving. They represent a turning point in the history of technology and we're lucky enough to be living through it. We must be able to quickly survey options, apply filters around what is right for our particular business and then make a bet and commit to it
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