December 2021CIOAPPLICATIONS.COM3Accelerate your rate of change for faster time to value with our platform suite:Conversocial is how today's top customer experience teams harness the power of their people and technology to meet consumers on their messaging channels of choice for customer retention and revenue. Be where your customers already are.Agent WorkspaceEmpower your teams to deliver exceptional customer experiences through an intelligent, rules-based routing system and prioritization engine.The benefit to your brand: Customer engagement that retains customer loyalty.NotifyA two way communication engine that drives customer acquisition -- and retention -- throughout the customer lifecycle.The benefit to your brand: Messaging apps turned into revenue channels through personalized and timely experiences.BotsUse automation to scale customer engagement and build personalized conversational CX.The benefit to your brand: Unique customer experiences that turn loyal customers into brand evangelists.InsightsUse our full suite of reporting tools to uncover and eliminate the problems that are making your customers unhappy.The benefit to your brand: Insights that prioritize customers' wants and needs through data-driven decision making. For more information reach out to Conversocial at Or even better message us on Messenger, WhatsApp or iMessage.
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