DECEMBER 2018CIOAPPLICATIONS.COM4PG10COVER STORYThe Neuroscience of Employee EngagementChristine Comaford, Leadership and Culture Coach, SmartTribes Institute20Enhance Performance with MindfulnessJacqueline Carter, International Partner and North American Director, Potential Project and Marissa Afton, Client Solutions Director, Potential Project32Creating a Culture of Wellbeing and Respect: Engaging Employees in Workplace Mental Health Promotion EffortsMaggie G. Mortali, MPH, Director, Interactive Screening Program, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention28CXOINSIGHTSDeveloping a Blueprint to Inspire and Motivate Your TeamPaul Falcone,Vice President, Human Resources, MPTF1826Leveraging IoT to Create Workforce EfficienciesJohn Padgett, Chief Experience and Innovation Officer, Carnival Corporation2628201832ULTIMATE SOFTWARE [NASDAQ:ULTI]IMPROVING WORK EXPERIENCES FOR EMPLOYEESScott Scherr,Founder & CEO
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